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USA2009 - 100 Fotos im PDF-Format
Foto-Highlights unserer USA-Tour 2009
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15 Wochen USA im Überblick: 23.3.-5.7.2009

1. Woche Las Vegas, Primm, Mojave -Wüste/Barstow, San Marcos/California, Mission San Luis del Rey, Birch Aquarium
2.Woche San Diego, Flower Fields, Lajolla, Torre Pines, San Diego Zoo, Anzaborego, El Centro/Gila Bend, Organ Pipe NP, Tucson
3. Woche Desert Museum -Saquaro/Tucson, Kingmann, Route 66, Oatman, Primm, Las Vegas, Ashmeadows, Primm, Trona Pinnacles, Red Rock Canyon, Palmdale, 
4. Woche Palmdale, Venice Beach, Oxnard, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, Mission Carmel, Point Lobos NP, Big Basin Redwood SP, San Francisco
5. Woche San Francisco, Academy of Scienes, Walzwerk Kneipe, Petaluma/Botanischer Garten, Point Reyes, San Andreas Falte, Ukiah, Eureka Redwoods
6. Woche Avenue of the Giants/ Redwoods, Eureka, Redding, Reno, 
Pyramid Lake, Bishop, Mono Lake
7. Woche Lone Pine, Alabama Hills, Death Valley, Beatty, Primm, 
Barstow , Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon,
8.Woche Las Vegas, Beatty, Ashmeados, Titus Canyon / Death Valley, Mule Canyon, Primm, St. George/Utah, Snow-Canyon, Dino-Museum, Kanab, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Toroweap/Grand Canyon,
9.Woche Page, Antelope-, Secret-(mit Hummer) und Cottonwood-Canyon,
Horseshoe-Bend, Toadstool-Hoodoos, Beaver, Cedar City,
10.Woche Cedar City. Torrey über Hwy 12, Green River, Goblin-Valley, Crystal Geyser, Mill-Canyon, Mineral Bottom, Canyonlands NP, Death-Horse Point, Potash-Road, San Rafael Swell, Buckhorn,
11. Woche Blanding, Needles Overlook, Needles Canyonlands, Hwy 95, Torrey, Price, Fishlake, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Eccles-Dinosaurpark, Antelope-Island, Twinfalls/Idaho, Shoshone-Falls, Snake-River
12. Woche Twinfalls, Craters of the moon, Hagerman - Fossilbeds, Icecave, Ogden/Utah, Nephi, Border (Grenze Utah / Nevada), Trilobit-Quarry, Great Basin, Wheeler-Peak, Lehman-Cave, Cathedral-Gorge, St. George, Las Vegas
13. Woche Las Vegas, Valley of fire SP, Beatty, 
St.George, Snow Canyon SP, Las Vegas
14. Woche Fremont Indian State Park, View Point Salt Wash, Devils Canyon, Reds Canyon, Cleveland - Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry, Rafael-Swell, Huntington /Eccles Scenic Byway, Nebo Loop Scenic Byway, Credar Breaks NM, Kolob Canyons, Zion NP
15. Woche Aufenthalt in Las Vegas bei ca. 40 Grad Celsius!
5.7.09 Rückflug nach Deutschland

Nationalparks in den USA